Short information in English
118 400 is a national directory assistance service. The service is for people with a disability, or for other reasons have special needs of the services, which mean that they cannot search for numbers in catalogues, on the internet or call charged directory assistance services and note the number for future needs. The service is intended for personal, non-commercial use by residents of Sweden.
Using 118 400
Telephone: 118 400
Customer service 118 400
Customer service for 118 400 is provided by Dynava AB.
Telephone: 020-36 46 56
Our opening hours are weekdays from 9:00 to 16:00.
Post address:
Dynava AB
Kundtjänsten för 118 400
G:a Rådstugugatan 19
602 24 Norrköping
Service provider
The service 118 400 is provided by Dynava AB on behalf of the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS).
PTS övriga kommunikationstjänster:
Tjänsten utförs av
Dynava AB på uppdrag av Post- och telestyrelsen (PTS).